Transyltown 57
Drawing this story arc is really making me nostalgic for Astro World. I spent so many summer days there in my childhood… We don’t have a local amusement park here in Houston anymore 🙁 …
What’s Timmy thinking about today?
Drawing this story arc is really making me nostalgic for Astro World. I spent so many summer days there in my childhood… We don’t have a local amusement park here in Houston anymore 🙁 …
What’s Timmy thinking about today?
I don’t think there is any child alive that has not been totally terrified of clowns at one point or another.
I remember having a bad dream about a clown once as a child, but I quickly got over it… I’ve never really understood how people can have long time enduring fear of clowns.
Nice comic. Good detail. And Timmy is thinking about what to eat tonight. my 2 cents. And next time you leave your state Bruce, check to see if you can stop by a amusement park. It’s worth it. I went to “Lake Compounds” last year. it was $35 but it was worth it.
Thanks. I plan on visiting Six Flags Fiesta Texas the next time I visit San Antonio. I’ve got friends and family there and never been to the amusement park… I even spent a year at a college campus right next to the place… I have no excuse…
I was never afraid of clowns as a child, but after growing up I read Stephen Kings book “It”. *Now* I am afraid of clowns.
I met a clown while working on this arc and had a conversation with her. Clowns hate that movie. I mean; really hate that movie.
What do the think of Bobcat’s Shakes the Clown
I’ve never heard of him… But if its Bobcat I’m guessing he’s a pretty funny clown.
I’ve never been one who was scared of clowns, but I do honestly question who ever thought their appearance was supposed to be funny.