Okay, some criticism from one what has done these same kinds of things: The flow is hard to follow. one’s eyes should just naturally go from image to image. This one I had to read 2-3 times before I found how you intended it to work.
As busy as your artwork is (which btw, is not a criticism) it would benefit from some color. Not much should be needed, a little highlighting I think, but some. I know that it’s more work but your art would very much shine more from it.
It’s either that or tone down the line work to a less cluttered & confuzzable point.
Thank you very much for sharing your well articulated criticism!
I will admit to my initial reservations when designing this page about the very page flow issue that you bring up. As you may have realized it is intending to flow vertically rather than horizontally. I had hoped that the tendency to follow panels with adjacent gutters would mitigate flow issues for this rather experiment design, but I guess I was wrong.
So far I have no intentions of doing any colored comics any time soon, but part of the reason I make the line work busy is to balance out the lack of color. Looking back I realize that somewhere along the lines I started using the line weight on the backgrounds that I use on the subjects. I will go back to varying the weight between the two better as I feel it helped separate them better.
Did you by any chance discover Transyltown on DeviantArt? I post the pages there as well, and I feel that it is a better ground for opening dialogue on how to improve one’s art. Not that I mind receiving it here. Thanks so much for your criticism.
Bruce, I’m glad you took the criticism well. Though it was rather constructive criticism, something hard to find these days. I can only imagine what’s going to happen when it’s retreating and the Fist of the FUll Moon came on it.
Okay, some criticism from one what has done these same kinds of things: The flow is hard to follow. one’s eyes should just naturally go from image to image. This one I had to read 2-3 times before I found how you intended it to work.
As busy as your artwork is (which btw, is not a criticism) it would benefit from some color. Not much should be needed, a little highlighting I think, but some. I know that it’s more work but your art would very much shine more from it.
It’s either that or tone down the line work to a less cluttered & confuzzable point.
Thank you very much for sharing your well articulated criticism!
I will admit to my initial reservations when designing this page about the very page flow issue that you bring up. As you may have realized it is intending to flow vertically rather than horizontally. I had hoped that the tendency to follow panels with adjacent gutters would mitigate flow issues for this rather experiment design, but I guess I was wrong.
So far I have no intentions of doing any colored comics any time soon, but part of the reason I make the line work busy is to balance out the lack of color. Looking back I realize that somewhere along the lines I started using the line weight on the backgrounds that I use on the subjects. I will go back to varying the weight between the two better as I feel it helped separate them better.
Did you by any chance discover Transyltown on DeviantArt? I post the pages there as well, and I feel that it is a better ground for opening dialogue on how to improve one’s art. Not that I mind receiving it here. Thanks so much for your criticism.
Bruce, I’m glad you took the criticism well. Though it was rather constructive criticism, something hard to find these days. I can only imagine what’s going to happen when it’s retreating and the Fist of the FUll Moon came on it.
I’m always happy to receive constructive criticism. It helps me grow. Back in college I always looked forward to the class critiques.