Transyltown 140
So DC’s got a contest going on with a submission page for their new Harley Quinn going on. I don’t think I can win, but it should be fun. I think I’ll give it a try!
Transyltown has also joined Global Manga Initiative. The first chapter is up there now! There’s a lot net comics there and the interface is super sleek. It’s really worth taking a look at.
And I am proven wrong once again. ~sighs~ Oh well, I’m big enough to admit that I am wrong. That really came out of left field IMO, but hey, it’s your comic Bruce, keep up the good work.
Oh, don’t worry about it. Gamma’s still bitter about that music battle. I’m working on a story where they do team up … kind of…, but that’s a far way off.
Egotistical bunch, huh? XD
They just gotta be the best! Those self centered jerks. 😀
Wolfish pride plus male pride. It causes what I call “testosterone poisoning”. Major symptoms include but are not limited to: aggression, egotistical attitude, and all major thoughts are over-ridden to aggression and copetition.