Transyltown 133
Transyltown is now officially a featured comic on! Of course that doesn’t mean that things are going away here. Nope; this is my little slice of home on the internet. You guys have given me so much inspiration through the years here I love all of you guys for it. Transyltown has reach and new milestone with your help, and hey, it’s third birthday is approaching pretty soon too! Thanks a million guys.
Manga Magazine is also a nice place to consolidate most of the different works I have floating around the internet as I tend to focus entirely on Transyltown here. You can also find some of the fan art and original artwork I post DeviantArt there as well. I’ll be putting up some of the blogs and the one Transyltown Coffin section there soon as well (I keep wanting to write more of those … but so much is taking my time…)
I have been ignoring the voter sketches lately. There’s been a lot going on for me in the fantastic world of art as I have been prepping for a few coming comic conventions and art shows. For those of you in San Antonio I will be vending at Art Slam! Comics on Canvas this weekend. You can keep up with some of the other events I’m attending through my artist page.
However I haven’t been ignoring the Transyltown and my own Artist Facebook pages. When I get in the mood to share a preview of the next Transyltown page or anything else, I don’t wanna wait for another voter day! So check things out there.
I just got a decent webcam recently, and once I find a solution to mounting it over my drafting table in a way that pleases me I will be doing weekly live drawing sessions!
I’ve posted a piece about my process for drawing Transyltown pages, here!
And don’t forget to comment, guys! I really do love some of the silly comments and conversations that come up here. I’ll try to make more of an effort to blog my current thoughts in these comic update blogs.
As an artist myself, I thought it was a lot of fun to get a glimpse of your drawing process! I love behind-the-scenes looks like that. 🙂
I’ve always loved stuff like that that shows a bit about how an artist or writer works. I hope I can bring a lot more stuff like that to the site.
As an amateur writer in my own rite, I know how you feel to be able to extend yourself further.
It’s a good feeling knowing you have the chance to reach the hearts of more people. Good luck to you in your own endeavors, Commander!